Welcome the warming power of spring with two special dance occasions:
Baba Marta Day Dance
Thursday, February 29, 2024, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at Judson Church, 4101 Harriet Ave S, Minneapolis
Baba Marta Day is a a Bulgarian holiday at the which honors Grandmother March (Baba Marta) who is the bringer of spring. We will wear red and white, receive Martinitsi bracelets, and get our Bulgarian dance groove on.
Register for this special edition of the weekly dance class here.

Two quotes (and articles) that have inspired taking a day for dancing:
“Long-term sustainable social change must fundamentally come from work done at the energetic layer of the body. Dreaming. Dancing. Playing. Making art. Resting. Sharing touch. Gathering to remember. Sitting with our inner demons. Grieving loss. Performing ritual.”
From How social change actually happens: through the body†by Tada Hozumi
“[The] regular outpouring of collective joy in the form of dance was seen as meaningful work, just as necessary to the life of the community as food for the table and water for the fields.”
From Rest and Renewal: Gifts of Women’s Ritual Dance by Laura Shannon
What a past participant says:
“I came to class so tired and down. I am amazed that I now find myself genuinely joyful and energized. I am a believer!”