St. Paul Open Streets Water FestivalArts to connect us with water 
St. Paul Open Streets
Sunday, September 21, 12-4 PM
1037 University Ave W. St. Paul MN, in front of AGAPE School

Join in this arts celebration of water. All ages will enjoy a stage filled with performances honoring water from many cultures. There will be activities for all ages. Take a survey and enter to win a high quality rain barrel! FREE! Part of a great afternoon of activities on University Avenue.

Volunteers Needed! Sign up to help bring our community together over water.

Stage program:


12-12:30 Iny Asian Dance Theater
Performing Hmong, Chinese, and Thai dances about water, the ocean, rain and more.




12:35 – 1:05 Little Thunderbirds
  A Native American dance and drum group bringing all people together to honor water.





1:10-1:40 Kari Tauring & Carol Sersland
Norse myth, runes, folk songs, and dance about water.




1:45 – 2:15 Danza Mexica Cuahetemoc
Aztec dance ceremony in honor of water and those who protect it.




2:20 – 2:50 Living Wisdom
Dance and music from the Balkans and Armenia celebrating the cycle of life, protecting water, and bringing rain.





2:55 – 3:25 Titambe Dance and Drum
West African Dance and Drum celebrating water and earth.




3:30 – 4:00 Lau Hawaiian Collective
Sweet, poignant, rollicking music about fresh water.



Take a survey and enter to win a rain barrel at the event (you do not need to be present to win).  rain-barrell






stencilingLearn how to protect storm drains with demonstrations by Friends of the Mississippi River. Normally, Storm Drain Stenciling outings require a minimum of 15 people. This is a great opportunity for individuals, couples and families to participate in this citywide program. Using paint and stencils, volunteers mark Saint Paul storm drains with the message, “Keep ’em Clean, Drains to River (Lake or Creek)!” and distribute educational doorhangers to neighborhood homes and businesses.



Interact with the Enviroscapes model of a watershed and learn about resources from the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD). The St. Paul Open Streets Water Festival is funded by the Capitol Region Watershed District.



Don’t miss this joyful burst of culture and opportunity to celebrate our waters on University Avenue!



Highlights from Weathering a Storm – St. Paul Open Streets 2013